Thursday, October 2, 2014

Test Review

1.  Diagram of plant and animal cell
      How can you tell if it is an animal cell or plant cell?

2.  Functions of cell parts

3.  Why do cells need to divide (mitosis)?

4.  If you are given a picture of a cell in mitosis, can you tell me what stage of mitosis it is in?  How
     do you know that it is in the stage you said it was in?

5.  From the lab we did with the agar cubes, explain the importance of SA:V.  What happens to this
     ratio as the cell gets bigger?  What does this mean for the cell's ability to take in nutrients and get        rid of waste?

6.  How are cancer cells different from normal cells?  What lifestyle changes can you make to reduce
     your risk of getting cancer?  How is cancer diagnosed?  How is it treated?

7.  What is the difference between embryonic stem cells and tissue stem cells?  How are tissue stem
     cells used to treat diseases like leukemia?  Why is there controversy when using embryonic stem
     cells?  Do you think scientists should be doing research using embryonic stem cells?  Why or why      not?  Justify your opinion.

8.  How do the different organ systems work together to keep you healthy and in balance              
     (homeostasis)?  Be specific.

9.  How are the organ systems of an earthworm the same as a human?  How are they different?  Be  